Male - Ebony Mosaic
Name: Jan Sex: Male Color: Ebony Mosaic Date
of Birth: 5-17-2002 Mated with: Emera Babies: Faith - Heterozygous Ebony Female - birth wt. 58 gms Date Died: 5-1-2005 Cause of Death: Jan had some problems with a abscess in his jaw from a splinter of wood that got caught in his gums. It was removed and he was medicated for the problems caused. He was drooling a bit. The symptoms went away but Jan was already in decline and I think that he just couldn't pull through. He passed away quietly one morning. Jan will be missed greatly! He was a very fiery little guy but could still be very sweet. |
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Last Update: 5-20-2007
Content Owned by: susan_leonetti@yahoo.com