Male - Violet

Blue - Violet Male Name:  Blue  (AZC - MO24)
Sex:   Male
Color:   Violet

Date of Birth:   2-24-2004
Birth Weight:   54 grams

Mother:  Olivia
Father:  Wolf


Colman - Standard Grey Violet Carrier Male - birth wt. 41 gms
Colbert - Black Velvet Violet Carrier Male - birth wt. 40 gms

- Violet Female - birth wt. 43 gms
- Violet Female - birth wt 54 gms
Ruttie - Violet Male - birth wt. 47 gms
Wira - Black Velvet Violet Carrier Female - birth wt. 31 gms
Libbi - Standard Grey Violet Carrier Female - birth wt. 42 gms

Date Died:  2-2012

Cause of Death: Blue died of congestive heart failure.  It didn't appear that his problem was genetic or from a heart murmur.  His heart rate was about half of what it should have been and the problem came on very quickly.  We aren't sure exactly what happened to cause this.

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Last Update: 2-22-2012
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