Female - Standard Grey

Kora - Standard Grey Female Name:  Kora
Sex:  Female
Color:   Standard Grey

Date of Birth:   10-27-03
Birth Weight:  49 grams

Mother:  Hanna
Father:  Donar

Died:  11-5-2003

Cause of Death:  I am not sure why Kora passed away.  She was fine the night before and the next day she started acting weak.  I tried supplementing her, but it didn't help - I don't think that she really needed that.  She was just an adorable little thing!  This happens pretty often with very young chins.  Either they have something wrong internally or something else happens and it's impossible to prevent their deaths.  She will be missed.  :(

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Last Update:  11-11-03
Content Owned by:  susan_leonetti@yahoo.com